SUNNY DETROIT. When the girls were little and we traveled to Detroit a lot, we jokingly referred to it as sunny Detroit to make it sound exotic. Well, this weekend, it was gloriously sunny, beautifully showing off the city and its countless murals.
Like the one above in Detroit’s Eastern Market. The entire city is a mecca for international muralists, and Eastern Market is the epicenter. On a visit a few years ago, we documented a number of the market’s murals. You can find that post here.
Marion and I were in Detroit this weekend for a too brief visit with our daughter Claire and her boyfriend Marcus. We hung out, drove around and looked at things, and ate well. But we didn’t cook a thing, so no recipe this week. We hope to have one for you next week. See you then.
Sounds like a delightful time! Much as we love cooking, we love not cooking sometimes, too. 🙂