GALETTES ARE PIES’ LESS FUSSY COUSINS, with the filling simply piled in the middle of an unbaked, rolled out crust and the edges of said crust folded up and crimped around it. Imperfections aren’t just allowed—they’re part of the rustic beauty.
Case in point, the Blueberry Peach Galette pictured above. If you can still find peaches and blueberries, this not-too-sweet galette delivers a parting taste of summer. You can find the recipe here.
Apple Dried Cherry Galette

Made with sweet/tart russet apples and bourbon-soaked dried cherries, this galette tastes of fall. It also reminds Marion of growing up in Detroit. You’ll find the recipe and delicious memories here.
Apple and Dried Apricot Galette

You’ll usually find dried apricots in our pantry. Here, they’re chopped, then simmered in water and sugar to create juicy little bites. Apples and thyme round out the autumnal flavor of this galette.
I think an apple and dried apricot galette would be a wonderful addition to our Thanksgiving desserts.
You know pies, tarts, cheesecakes and galettes are my number 2 food group after doughnuts. ?
Thanks so much for reminding us of these amazing recipes, Terry!
The apple and dried cherry would also be a nice addition for Thanksgiving. I think both will get added to the menu, especially since they are easy to make.
By the way, I love the Sonic!
Thanks, Terry!
Thanks, Dani! Sounds like your family holiday dinners are quite the spread.
Per my daughter, we can add to the Thanksgiving menu my mother started in the 1970’s but we can never drop a dish (especially desserts.) Needless to say, we have leftovers for days! ?