Juniper berries and genever (or regular gin) give simple pan-roasted chicken a sharp, clean flavor.

NOW WELL INTO FALL, WE’RE LEANING INTO HEARTY COOKING. Soups and stews and roasts are sounding good. Pots of chili. Meat or chicken braised in wine or beer or something stronger. Belgian Chicken with Juniper Berries checks all those boxes, but the juniper berries and gin give it a sharp, clean flavor.
We first discovered this delicious dish in Ruth Van Waerebeek’s excellent Everybody Eats Well in Belgium Cookbook. Some Belgian cuisine is inspired by the countries that border it—in this case, the Netherlands. The spirit the recipe calls for is genever, a Dutch malted grain-based spirit sometimes called Holland gin or Dutch gin. You can substitute actual gin, which we did.
Belgian Chicken with Juniper Berries is a weeknight quickish dish that satisfies cold weather appetites without full on stew heaviness. The crushed juniper berries, which you stir in at the end, add to the overall sharp brightness. You’ll find the recipe here.