Quick, easy, delicious—Spicy Lemon Maple Salmon

Spicy Lemon Maple Salmon fillets have a subtle but lively flavor and just a hint of heat. Finishing them under the broiler caramelizes the glaze.

Spicy Lemon Maple Salmon

SALMON IS OFTEN OUR GO-TO FISH WHEN WE WANT SEAFOOD. It’s easy to prepare, foolproof delicious and, frankly speaking, more affordable than many other choices. The only downside for me is that I can go on autopilot when preparing it—olive oil, salt, pepper, tarragon and a hot skillet. Again, foolproof delicious, but looking to change things up recently, I poked around in our archives and found this. You quickly marinate salmon in lemon juice, maple syrup, cider vinegar, oil and cayenne pepper, start it in a skillet, finish it under the broiler and you’ve got a real weeknight-quick treat. Bonus? This recipe was inspired by a tuba museum. You’ll find the recipe and backstory here.

One thought on “Quick, easy, delicious—Spicy Lemon Maple Salmon

  1. This is a recipe from before I found your delicious blog. So happy you brought it to our attention. I love salmon!

    Thanks, Terry!

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