Two easy recipes featuring delicious, healthy button mushrooms

Basic button mushrooms are flavorful and healthy

FANCY MUSHROOMS ARE EVERYWHERE. Supermarkets, farmers markets. Even foraging, if you’re adventurous. So it’s easy to overlook the humble white button mushroom. But as it turns out, they have as much, and in some cases, more anti-oxidant properties than more expensive varieties. And with a few simple ingredients, they can pack some amazing flavor.

When we picked up a couple packages of button mushrooms the other day, we remembered a post we’d done a while ago with two recipes using these little gems. The first is sautéed mushrooms with garlic butter, essentially escargot with mushrooms replacing the snails.

The second is Julia Child’s classic sautéed mushrooms, using only mushrooms, butter, salt and port. They’re perfect served over mashed potatoes or steak. You’ll find both recipes—and info on the basic button—right here.

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