Italian Chicken Stew from a women’s writing retreat

Italian Chicken Stew

IN HONOR OF WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, we’re revisiting a recipe, a cookbook and a place. We first reviewed Hedgebrook Cookbook: Celebrating Radical Hospitality back in 2013. Hedgebrook is a women’s writing retreat on Whidbey Island in Washington state. Since 1988, its six cabins have been home to an impressive list of women writers. Continue reading “Italian Chicken Stew from a women’s writing retreat”

Lamb Stew and a guide to Chicago weekend fun

Irish Lamb Stew

MANY PEOPLE SEE MARCH AS HEADING INTO SPRING. And indeed, March 20 is the first official day this year. But the reality here in Chicago and many places elsewhere can be quite different. Lately, we’ve been craving warming comfort food. In recent weeks, we’ve made Kimchi Chicken Soup, Valerie’s Split Pea Soup, Polish Hunter’s Stew, Shepherd’s Pie… March also being the month of St. Patrick’s Day, we’re currently thinking fondly of Irish Lamb Stew. Continue reading “Lamb Stew and a guide to Chicago weekend fun”

Kimchi Chicken Soup and the Luxury of Leftovers

Leftover rotisserie chicken, kimchi and canned white beans create a big-flavored, satisfying, healthy, weeknight-quick meal. Recipe below.

Kimchi Chicken Soup

WE LOVE LEFTOVERS. Besides the way certain dishes just taste better the second day, there’s the deliciously smug pleasure we get from using stuff up rather than discarding it. So when we were recently faced with leftover rotisserie chicken and a giant jar of kimchi that wasn’t depleting or getting any younger, we created this impromptu soup. It was so good that you’re actually looking at the second batch we’ve made—from the same chicken and jar of kimchi. Continue reading “Kimchi Chicken Soup and the Luxury of Leftovers”

Bigos, Polish Hunter’s Stew

Kielbasa, pork roast, chicken, sauerkraut and cabbage make bigos a hearty stew perfect for winter—and Poland’s national dish.

Bigos, Polish Hunter’s Stew

A WEEKEND DAY TRIP IN NORTHWEST INDIANA LED TO SOME GREAT FOOD. Classic Ruben sandwiches and slices of housemade pie from a 1940s diner. Artisan sweets from a little chocolatier in a former bag factory. And for dinner back at home, takeout bigos—Polish hunter’s stew—from a Polish deli and supermarket that it turns out is dangerously close to our home. Continue reading “Bigos, Polish Hunter’s Stew”

Warm up with Valerie’s Split Pea Soup

Valerie’s Split Pea Soup

BITTER COLD GOT MARION TO MAKE HER FRIEND VALERIE’S SOUP the first time seven years ago. Now with pretty much all of the U.S. gripped by brutal winter weather—including unprecedented snow across the South—it seemed like a good time to make this warming, hearty split pea soup again. Continue reading “Warm up with Valerie’s Split Pea Soup”

Our cool Thanksgiving starts with chilled Sweet Potato Vichyssoise

The unexpected coldness of this soup adds an elegant surprise to our Thanksgiving dinner first course.

Sweet Potato Vichyssoise

SINCE FOREVER, MARION HAS MADE THIS ELEGANT CHILLED SOUP as the first course of our Thanksgiving dinner. It is light and creamy, and relies on homemade chicken stock as its base. This being the day before Thanksgiving, whether you’re hosting or guesting, the menu is probably already set and undoubtedly rich with its own traditions. But we just wanted to share one of our traditions with you. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. You’ll find recipes for the vichyssoise and the homemade stock here.

Beef stew from the South of France: Daube Provençal

White wine, orange zest, cloves and olives make Daube Provençal a brighter South-of-France take on Boeuf Bourgignon. Recipe below.

Daube Provençal

SAY TRADITIONAL FRENCH BEEF STEW and what usually springs to mind is Boeuf Bourgignon, the classic hearty, meaty stew of the Burgundy region, made with mushrooms, bacon, pearl onions, carrots and a big-bodied red wine, usually Burgundy. But the South of France has its own traditional stew, Daube Provençal, with a distinctively brighter flavor. Continue reading “Beef stew from the South of France: Daube Provençal”

Healthy, autumnal, delicious: Cauliflower Potato Soup

Cauliflower (roasted or not), potatoes, miso paste and aromatics create a healthy, satisfying vegetarian soup. Recipe below.

Cauliflower Potato Soup

OTHER PEOPLE IMPULSE-BUY SHOES, OR JEWELRY, OR CANDY. Me? Well, just before our Upper Peninsula trip, I bought: a cauliflower. Which I forgot about until a couple of days ago when Terry reminded me of its existence. There it was, that forgotten impulse purchase, lurking in the produce bin, amazingly still white and fresh. Continue reading “Healthy, autumnal, delicious: Cauliflower Potato Soup”

Black-Eyed Peas with Coconut Milk and Berbere

A mix of African and global ingredients bring big flavor to this creamy, spicy, hearty stew. Recipe below.

Black-Eyed Peas with Coconut Milk and Berbere

WE CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS STEW. Thick and creamy and spicy, it is an absolutely satisfying meal in a bowl, filled with a mix of big flavors that all blend into a delicious ensemble dish, with nothing grabbing the spotlight. As we ate it the other night, we kept saying “this is so good” over and over. Continue reading “Black-Eyed Peas with Coconut Milk and Berbere”

Slow Cooker Green Chile Chicken Soup

Canned green chiles, cumin, oregano and aromatics make for a chicken soup that will warm up even the coldest night. Recipe below.

Slow Cooker Green Chile Chicken Soup

OFFICIAL AUTUMN IS JUST DAYS AWAY, and weather in Chicago has already been hinting at the crisp, cool days and nights to come. Perfect weather for warm, comforting soups. The canned green chiles in this soup dial up the warmth, adding spiciness and lively flavor. Continue reading “Slow Cooker Green Chile Chicken Soup”