Sometimes, simple is all you really need: Lemon Tarragon Grilled Chicken

A simple marinade of lemon, olive oil, garlic and tarragon creates simply delicious grilled chicken. Recipe below.

Lemon Tarragon Grilled Chicken
Lemon Tarragon Grilled Chicken

LEMONS HAVE BEEN SEEING A LOT OF ACTION IN OUR KITCHEN LATELY. And for good reason: they add a summery brightness to all sorts of dishes. Sometimes, it’s the star—as it was in my Lemon Parsley Pasta. Sometimes, it’s subtle, as with Marion’s Peach Cobbler last week. And sometimes, as it is in this grilled chicken, it is almost invisible, adding to the startling deliciousness without announcing itself at all. Continue reading “Sometimes, simple is all you really need: Lemon Tarragon Grilled Chicken”

Dessert with a side of American history: Peach Cobbler

Easy and flexible to make, peach cobbler is a simple, rustic dessert with a rich history. Recipe below.

Peach Cobbler

THE OTHER NIGHT WE WERE IN TRADER JOE’S PICKING UP OUR USUAL BASICS—nuts, wine, pasta,  tiny avocados—when we noticed a display of boxes of peaches. And not just peaches. Big, ripe peaches that, when I opened the box lid, sent up a beautiful fragrant invitation. Yes, I said, even though I wasn’t sure what the universe was inviting me to. Continue reading “Dessert with a side of American history: Peach Cobbler”

Cooking that’s almost not cooking, but also not takeout: Lemon Parsley Pasta

Lemon Parsley Pasta is a satisfying, summery vegetarian meal that’s ready in the time it takes to cook the pasta. Recipe below.

Lemon Parsley Pasta

WE JUST GOT BACK FROM A SIX-DAY ROAD TRIP. We ate lots of amazing food—chef-driven Oaxacan small plates, hearty shepherd’s pie from a Brit pub in Duluth and wonderfully sweet, tart strawberry rhubarb crumble made by our friend Carmen in Minneapolis. (“You can’t leave Minnesota without eating strawberry rhubarb crumble,” Carmen told us, and we think she was right.) What we did not eat is anything cooked by us. Continue reading “Cooking that’s almost not cooking, but also not takeout: Lemon Parsley Pasta”

Out of the kitchen and on the road

St. Louis River, Jay Cooke State Park

WE’RE ON A BRIEF ROAD TRIP, visiting Duluth, Minnesota, and then heading on to Minneapolis. Lots of driving and hiking and seeing wonderful things. Like the St. Louis River, tumbling over its slate riverbed and banks in Jay Cooke State Park, about 20 minutes outside Duluth. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has this to say about this stunning place: “The Precambrian Thomson Formation is located within Jay Cooke State Park. The formation is a layer of mud that was compressed and hardened into shale, then compressed further into slate, and finally folded. This formation is about two billion years old.”

Lots of delicious food is being had too, just none of it prepared by us. So no recipe now—but check in next week.

This summer’s light, refreshing go-to drink: Mezcal Ranch Water

Three-ingredient simple to make and absolutely sippable—the Mezcal Ranch Water. Recipe below.

Ranch Water
Mezcal Ranch Water

THE OTHER DAY, OVER TEAMS, MY FRIEND PREMA AND I WERE TALKING about our 4th of July weekend plans.  She stood up to show me her flamingo-patterned romper—SUPER CUTE—and said that she was taking the afternoon off to go to the pool. She is so smart. I said one of our daughters was coming to visit and I was looking forward to hanging out with her and sitting on the porch and drinking Ranch Water. “RANCH WATER!” Prema said. “I had it for the first time in Austin over Memorial Day, and I am obsessed! ” Continue reading “This summer’s light, refreshing go-to drink: Mezcal Ranch Water”

A peachy spin on an Italian classic: Peach Caprese Salad

Peach Caprese Salad
Peach Caprese Salad

PEACHES ARE JUST STARTING TO SHOW UP IN THE MARKETS. Sweet, juicy and summery. And that reminded us of a delicious spin we did on the classic caprese salad several summers ago, swapping peaches for tomatoes, and adding mixed greens with a balsamic vinaigrette for more flavor and crunch. You’ll find the recipe and the cookbook that inspired it here.

You don’t have to be vegetarian to like Tofu with Black Pepper and Asparagus

Tofu, asparagus and plenty of black pepper star in this weeknight-quick, company-pleasing vegetarian meal. Recipe below.

Tofu with Black Pepper and Asparagus

THE OTHER DAY, AS WE WERE GETTING READY FOR WEEKEND GUESTS, I ran across an interesting, easy, fast recipe by Kay Chun in the New York Times. It had everything we wanted to please our guests, one a vegetarian and the other vegetarian-adjacent. Our version is even more stripped down than the original. Our guests loved it. We loved it. Continue reading “You don’t have to be vegetarian to like Tofu with Black Pepper and Asparagus”

Six refreshing go-to mezcal cocktails for summer

Mezcal’s smokiness adds a touch of summer—think campfires and grilling—to six very different, very drinkable cocktails.

Absent Friends Mezcal Cocktail
Absent Friends Mezcal Cocktail

WE LIKE TEQUILA, BUT WE LOVE MEZCAL. The smoke infused into it during the fire pit roasting of the key ingredient, agave piñas, elevates mezcal’s flavor for us, whether sipping it over ice or mixing it in a cocktail. In fact, a couple of the recipes here are adapted from ones usually made with tequila. Continue reading “Six refreshing go-to mezcal cocktails for summer”

Satisfying, easy, healthy: Cauliflower Chickpea Dinner

This satisfying, weeknight-quick vegetarian meal is in our rotation—try it once and it will be in yours too. Recipe below.

Cauliflower Chickpea Dinner
Roasted Cauliflower Chickpea Dinner

OUR DAUGHTER LAUREL MAKES THIS QUICK, DELICIOUS DISH on a regular basis. She is not sure where she got the original recipe—she ran across it while visiting friends a few years back—but it’s become a regular part of her arsenal. It’s clearly inspired by the Indian street food chaat. It is packed with fiber and flavor, and it is so satisfying. We love it. Continue reading “Satisfying, easy, healthy: Cauliflower Chickpea Dinner”

A tangy touch for meaty richness: Lamb Chops with Artichoke Hearts

Canned or frozen artichoke hearts and lemon juice add a tangy brightness to pan-seared lamb chops. Recipe below.

Lamb Chops with Artichoke Hearts

THERE ARE LOTS OF REASONS TO EAT ARTICHOKE HEARTS. Let’s start with ways they’re really good for you. Artichoke hearts are packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C and K, loads of protein (yes, actually) and dietary fiber. Oh, and more antioxidants than any other vegetable. But for us, the best reason to eat them is they’re delicious. Continue reading “A tangy touch for meaty richness: Lamb Chops with Artichoke Hearts”