Start with sweet, seasonal English peas: Fettuccine with Peas and prosciutto

Fettuccine with Peas and Prosciutto
Fettuccine with Peas and Prosciutto

DELICIOUSLY SWEET ENGLISH PEAS ARE IN SEASON RIGHT NOW. Late spring into early summer is a good time to look for them. We found some at a favorite produce stand of ours last weekend. One of the ways we like to eat them is in Fettuccine with Peas and Prosciutto, pictured above. We’re taking a break this week, but you’ll find the recipe (and our secret favorite way to eat these peas) in this post from the Blue Kitchen archives.

Weeknight quickish, vegetarian Mushroom Spinach Quiche

Mushrooms add “meatiness” to this quiche, creating a satisfying vegetarian meal. Recipe below.

Mushroom Spinach Quiche

YEARS AGO, CARLY SIMON’S SONG “ANTICIPATION” was brilliantly coopted for a Heinz Ketchup commercial, turning the frustration of their famously slow-flowing condiment into a delightful moment. For us, that anticipation could also be applied to quiche. One of the pleasures of making quiche is seeing leftover quiche in the fridge, wrapped in plastic and awaiting reheating. Yes, we made quiche again. And yes, seeing it in the fridge is making us quite happy. Continue reading “Weeknight quickish, vegetarian Mushroom Spinach Quiche”

Quick, border-crossing comfort: Instant Pot Lamb and White Bean Soup

Variations of flavorful, comforting Lamb and White Bean Soup appear across much of western Europe. This Instant Pot version is weeknight quick. Recipe below.

Instant Pot Lamb and White Bean Soup
Instant Pot Lamb and White Bean Soup

CALL IT A SOUP, CALL IT A STEW, some combination of white beans, lamb, herbs and aromatics shows up in Italy, in France, in the UK… And for good reason. It is hearty and delicious. So when we had lots of leftover leg of lamb recently, our own combination of the above ingredients showed up in our Instant Pot. Continue reading “Quick, border-crossing comfort: Instant Pot Lamb and White Bean Soup”

Named for delivery people, this dish truly delivers: Pasta alla Carreterria

There are countless regional variations on Pasta alla Carreterria; this is how it’s done in Rome. Recipe below.

Pasta alla Carreterria
Pasta alla Carreterria

WHEN IT COMES TO COOKBOOKS, I AM LOOKING FOR TWO THINGS: an interesting read, and one good, enduring recipe. I don’t expect a cookbook to be jam-packed with dozens of recipes I will be able to use forever and ever. If I can get one useful dish from a cookbook, that makes it worthwhile, and if it is also fun to read, then it’s totally paid for itself. Continue reading “Named for delivery people, this dish truly delivers: Pasta alla Carreterria”

Boneless Leg of Lamb makes this classic spring roast even easier

Rosemary, thyme and loads of garlic flavor this traditional (and boneless) roast leg of lamb. Recipe below.

Roast Boneless Leg of Lamb
Roast Boneless Leg of Lamb

LAMB IS A YEAR-ROUND FAVORITE WITH US, in all its forms. But in the spring, what we really want is leg of lamb. There is just something celebratory and spring-welcoming about roasting this big joint of meat, its aroma filling the house, then carving and sharing it with others. Even though it’s just the two of us now, we couldn’t resist making leg of lamb this year. Continue reading “Boneless Leg of Lamb makes this classic spring roast even easier”

A Passover staple that’s perfect year ’round: Matzoh Brei

Matzoh, eggs and very little else create a simple, quick, tasty and filling meal that can be served sweet or savory. Recipe below.

Matzoh Brei
Matzoh Brei

WHEN I TOLD MY SISTER LENA I WAS MAKING MATZOH BREI, she began reminiscing about our mom. She reminded me that when she was in elementary school, occasionally at lunchtime, when the weather was nice,  she would walk home and Ma would fix her something. Sometimes it was a hamburger and sometimes it was a nice sandwich and a bowl of mushroom barley soup. And sometimes it was matzoh brei, with grape jam or powdered sugar. Then Lena would walk back to school in time for her next class. Continue reading “A Passover staple that’s perfect year ’round: Matzoh Brei”

Light, airy and not too sweet: Lemon Lavender Scones

These lemony treats are perfect for breakfast, a snack with coffee or tea, or just because. Recipe below.

Lemon Lavender Scone
Lemon Lavender Scone

PUT ME IN A NEIGHBORHOOD BAKERY OR COFFEE SHOP and you can be pretty sure I’ll be looking for scones. And the scones that hit the sweet spot for me are the not-too-sweet ones. No chocolate chunks or sugary glaze, thank you. Just a tiny bit of sweetness, maybe some fruit and/or nuts (or not), and maybe an herb thing going on. Like these Lemon Lavender Scones. Continue reading “Light, airy and not too sweet: Lemon Lavender Scones”

Seasonal? Unseasonal? Chicken with Leeks and Mushrooms works for either

Chicken with Leeks is a light, creamy, earthy dish—perfect for whatever spring is dishing out. Recipe below.

Chicken with Leeks & Mushrooms
Chicken with Leeks & Mushrooms

IN THE FIRST WEEK OF SPRING HERE, it got up to 71 degrees and it snowed—not the same day, but in the same week. Chicken with Leeks and Mushrooms, a light, creamy, earthy dish, is perfect for both extremes. Continue reading “Seasonal? Unseasonal? Chicken with Leeks and Mushrooms works for either”

Chocolate x 2: Chocolate/Chocolate Chip Cake

Chocolate chips are part of the chocolate cake batter and the two-ingredient frosting on this rich, easy-to-make cake.  Recipe below.

Chocolate/Chocolate Chip Cake
Chocolate/Chocolate Chip Cake

THE OTHER DAY I WENT INTO THE PANTRY to find something or other, and I did not find it, but I did come across a lot of bags of chocolate chips. I am not even sure where they came from, as I don’t recall actually buying any at all in the first place. Well, maybe one bag, around the holidays, for a project that had temporarily flitted through the brain. But… is this five bags of chocolate chips? That is a lot of chocolate chips for a two-person household. Continue reading “Chocolate x 2: Chocolate/Chocolate Chip Cake”

A promising hint of spring: Broccoli Rabe and Chicken Quiche

Broccoli rabe (rapini or spring broccoli) and lemon juice add a subtle spring brightness to this quiche. Recipe below.

Broccoli Rabe and Chicken Quiche
Broccoli Rabe and Chicken Quiche

ONE NIGHT IN LYON, MARION AND HER SISTER HAD DINNER in a little neighborhood restaurant. When they were seated, the waiter asked them one question: “Rouge ou blanc?” Red or white, meaning the wine. Once they chose their wine, there were no more choices—the meal they were served was all determined by the wine. I sometimes think Blue Kitchen is like that. Continue reading “A promising hint of spring: Broccoli Rabe and Chicken Quiche”