Happily rediscovering Chicken Schnitzel

Classic Austrian schnitzel gets a crispy, juicy, chickeny makeover.

Chicken Schnitzel

WHEN YOU’VE BEEN SHARING RECIPES FOR 16+ YEARS, you can be forgiven for forgetting some of them. Not just ingredients and measurements and processes, but the actual dish. When we were shopping recently and came across thinly sliced chicken breast cutlets, though, a couple of synapses fired. Suddenly, we sort of remembered doing something with this cut that maybe involved panko and was definitely delicious. Continue reading “Happily rediscovering Chicken Schnitzel”

A simple, seasonal, sensational side: Eggplant with Dill and Yogurt

Roasted eggplant, fresh dill and Greek yogurt make a delicious summery dish that can be served warm or chilled. Recipe below.

Eggplant with Dill and Yogurt

THE SUDDEN ARRIVAL OF MASSIVE RAINS turned around the scary drought we’d been experiencing here in Illinois, and it had a more intimate effect: our Japanese eggplant, which had been struggling and miserable, suddenly and eagerly began producing. Continue reading “A simple, seasonal, sensational side: Eggplant with Dill and Yogurt”

A classic ingredient mix with delicious results: Lemon Rosemary Chicken with Bacon

Rosemary, lemon and garlic get dialed up with bacon and red crushed pepper in this Italian-inspired chicken dish. Recipe below.

Lemon Rosemary Chicken with Bacon

OUR ROSEMARY PLANT IS CONVENIENTLY THRIVING ON THE BACK PORCH. This after surprising us by successfully wintering over on a windowsill inside. The other day, trying to figure out something to do with some chicken thighs, I stood looking out the back door. And there was the rosemary. Continue reading “A classic ingredient mix with delicious results: Lemon Rosemary Chicken with Bacon”

Feasting in the Twin Cities

No recipe this week. Just a little food for thought after visiting two lovely side-by-side cities this weekend.

The Diner, George Segal, Walker Art Center

EVERY TIME WE VISIT MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL we seem to love the two cities more. This being a food blog, we’ll start by saying we ate well everywhere, nothing as basic as what would likely be served at George Segal’s “The Diner” at the Walker Art Center. Continue reading “Feasting in the Twin Cities”

A springy, summery soup for a soupy day: Delicate Pea and Lettuce Soup

Lettuce, peas, leeks, garlic, tarragon, butter and cream make a fresh, creamy soup that can be served warm or cold. Recipe below.

Delicate Pea and Lettuce Soup

AFTER MONTHS OF GETTING LITTLE OR NO RAIN, we are suddenly getting all the rain. Our garden is loving it, of course, and so are we, begrudgingly. The cool, rainy weather has us thinking about soup, but the calendar has us craving something not so stick-to-your-ribs hearty. And that made us think of this lovely, light soup that can be served warm or chilled. Continue reading “A springy, summery soup for a soupy day: Delicate Pea and Lettuce Soup”

Deliciousness served in small batches: Double Chocolate Rye Cookies

Rye flour adds a nice nuttiness to these luscious chocolate cookies. The small batch recipe helps avoid overindulging. Recipe below.

Double Chocolate Rye Cookies

I AM GIVEN TO RANTING ABOUT HOW I DISLIKE BAKING COOKIES. So much fussing, so much stickiness, so many sheets and sheets of blobs of dough and so much anxious peering into hot, hot ovens—by the time everything is done and cooling on masses of racks, I am beyond done. I don’t even want to eat them. Continue reading “Deliciousness served in small batches: Double Chocolate Rye Cookies”

Simple, summery Tuscan Grilled Lemon Rosemary Chicken

Rosemary, garlic and lots of lemon create an easy-to-make, delicious grilled chicken dish. Recipe below.

Tuscan Grilled Lemon Rosemary Chicken

FOR US, PART OF THE CHARM OF GRILLING IS SIMPLICITY. Uncomplicated recipes that let you relax when cooking, hanging out with guests instead of performing alchemy in the kitchen and at the grill. This simple chicken recipe is a prefect example. Continue reading “Simple, summery Tuscan Grilled Lemon Rosemary Chicken”

A Michigan road trip and simple Penne Alla Vodka

Penne Alla Vodka

THE LAST TIME WE MADE PENNE ALLA VODKA, we had just come from a four-day final push of helping our Detroit daughter move. So it seems somehow fitting that we made it again after being in Michigan, albeit purely for recreation this time. Marion and I took a little day trip to Kalamazoo. Continue reading “A Michigan road trip and simple Penne Alla Vodka”