Six dishes guaranteed to make you the best barbecue guest

Watermelon Mango Salad with Blue Cheese

IT’S BARBECUE-HOSTING SEASON. And for the lucky ones among us, that means it’s being-invited-to-barbecues season. Of course, that also means it’s what-can-I-bring-to-the-barbecue season. Don’t be the guy who brings a big bag of chips, even the fancy kind. Unless your host specifically tells you to bring chips—in which case, maybe you should ponder the things you’ve brought in the past that were not as good as a bag of chips. For the non-chip bringers among us, here are six recipes that will absolutely shine.

Watermelon Mango Salad with Blue Cheese

Watermelon, mango, blue cheese and cayenne pepper combine sweet, savory and spicy flavors in a fresh, colorful summer salad, as you can see in the photo above. You’ll find the recipe here.

Marion’s Gazpacho

Marion’s Gazpacho

This lively gazpacho—chilled, chunky and chock full of healthy vegetables—makes a refreshing, simple first course all summer long. Find the recipe here.

Classic American Potato Salad

Marion’s Classic American Potato Salad

Nothing says summer like a classic American potato salad with mayonnaise, yellow mustard and the crunchy bite of red bell peppers. Find the classic recipe here.

Peach Caprese Salad

Peach Caprese Salad

For a colorful twist on the Italian classic, peaches stand in for tomatoes in this Peach Caprese Salad; a bed of mixed greens adds extra depth. You’ll find the recipe here.

Kimchi Potato Salad

Kimchi Potato Salad

The first time we made this dish, with kimchi—fermented vegetables (and Korea’s national dish)—potatoes, scallions and bacon, we thought it might just be the best potato salad we’d ever tasted. Make it and see if you agree. Find the recipe here.

Texas Sheet Cake with Pistachios

Texas Sheet Cake
Texas Sheet Cake with Pistachios

Bring a great dessert and you’ll definitely make friends. Texas sheet cake, a Lone Star State tradition, is big and generous and easy to make. Find the recipe here.

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