WE CELEBRATED A MILESTONE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY this past weekend with a visit to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. We drove around in the beautiful Midwestern countryside, embracing our Midwesterner histories—our separate upbringings and our long-shared togetherness, more than half of our lives now. We visited numerous antique shops—watch for some finds in future editions of Liz’s Crockery Corner. Our folding kayaks got their maiden voyage on inland canals in the city’s beautiful Lakeside Park; the park’s bandstand is shown above, photographed on an evening drive. And we ate in some of Wisconsin’s ubiquitous supper clubs, glorious throwbacks to ’50s dining. Lots of woodwork, loyal locals crowding the bars, and hefty plates of comfort food. Pan-fried walleye, giant slabs of prime rib (“until we run out”), fried chicken, au gratin potatoes…
What we did not do is cook anything. We’ll be back next week with a recipe.