A delicious spin on a classic: Pizza Beans

A rich, thick stovetop-cooked tomato sauce with white beans is topped with two cheeses and then baked. It can be vegetarian or not. Recipe below.

Pizza beans

SOME PEOPLE THINK WE HAVE AN EDITORIAL CALENDAR FOR BLUE KITCHEN—that we carefully and thoughtfully plan what we are going to cook and talk about it weeks or even months in advance. Those people do not know us. Continue reading “A delicious spin on a classic: Pizza Beans”

Artichoke Heart and Spinach Quiche? Yes, please

Marinated artichoke hearts and spinach create a subtle, flavorful base for this vegetarian quiche. Recipe below.

Artichoke and Spinach Quiche
Artichoke and Spinach Quiche

I AM ALWAYS READY FOR QUICHE. If we’re out somewhere and see it on the menu, that’s what I’m ordering. I’m also a big fan of artichoke hearts. So recently, when Kalyn Denny shared her recipe for Artichoke, Kale and Ricotta Pie, my first thought was “that looks delicious”—closely followed by my second thought: “artichoke hearts would make a great quiche.” Continue reading “Artichoke Heart and Spinach Quiche? Yes, please”

Leave it to the French to dial up a favorite side dish: Boursin Mashed Potatoes

Boursin, a garlicky, herby French soft cheese, livens up the flavor of mashed potatoes. Recipe below.

Boursin Mashed Potatoes
Boursin Mashed Potatoes

WE LOVE MASHED POTATOES. Our weeknight go-to batch is garlicky mashed potatoes made with peeled yellow potatoes, butter, buttermilk and plenty of garlic. When we came across a recipe for Boursin mashed potatoes, we thought it might dial our favorite side dish up a notch or two. It did exactly that, making them still garlicky, but adding a rich, creamy, cheesy, herby flavor along with the nice texture of bits of red potato skins. Continue reading “Leave it to the French to dial up a favorite side dish: Boursin Mashed Potatoes”

Fun to make, delicious to eat: Pork and Cabbage Potstickers

These classic Chinese dumplings are an impressive “yeah-I-made-these” appetizer. Recipe below.

Pork and Cabbage Potstickers
Pork & Cabbage Potstickers

MY POTSTICKERS ARE LIKE SNOWFLAKES. NO TWO LOOK EXACTLY ALIKE. In celebration of Lunar New Year, the fun committee of the ad agency where I work hosted a virtual potsticker-making class. Having made our fillings beforehand from shared recipes, there we were in our Google Meet grid, trialing and erroring our way through filling, folding and pleating our dumplings. Continue reading “Fun to make, delicious to eat: Pork and Cabbage Potstickers”

Recipes for a lovely Valentine’s Day dinner at home

VALENTINE’S DAY IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING. And if you’re like us, your inbox is stuffed with dinner recipes to cook for your valentine. In searching through our own archives, we came across a post from several years ago that gathered some of our favorite courses for a romantic dinner. Take a look. We hope you’ll find something you like. And Happy Valentine’s Day, all.

Pork Chops with Fennel, a one-pot cozy winter meal

Fennel bulbs help flavor these chops—and serve as a side in this one-pot, weeknight-quick meal. Recipe below.

Pork Chops with Fennel
Pork Chops with Fennel

NEVER TRUST IDEAS HAD AT 1:45 IN THE MORNING. I was lying awake last Saturday at said hour, realizing we didn’t have a recipe to post this coming Wednesday and knowing we would be out of town on Sunday. Suddenly, I thought of cooking pork chops with fennel bulbs. It sounded like a great idea, one-pot simple and a cozy winter antidote—I sent myself a note and went to sleep. It was a great idea. We’d done it in 2015. Continue reading “Pork Chops with Fennel, a one-pot cozy winter meal”

Weeknight quick comfort food: Instant Pot Korean Beef

Gochujang, a Korean fermented pepper paste, and a host of pan-Asian ingredients create a comforting beefy antidote for winter dinner blahs. Recipe below.

Instant Pot Korean Beef
Instant Pot Korean Beef

WE SOMETIMES REFER TO OUR APPROACH IN THE KITCHEN as cooking with a magpie eye. Like those inquisitive, acquisitive birds, we’re always looking for shiny new objects. For us, that can mean new-to-us ingredients, techniques, ideas. So when we recently came across recipes for Korean beef, we already had most of the ingredients on hand—and some sense of what they could do together. Continue reading “Weeknight quick comfort food: Instant Pot Korean Beef”

Asian ingredients bring umami to not-necessarily-Asian Roast Chicken with Miso Glaze

We use white miso paste, rice vinegar, soy sauce, ginger and sesame oil not to create an authentic Asian dish, but to deliver big savory flavor to roasted chicken thighs. Recipe below.

Chicken Thighs with Miso Glaze
Chicken Thighs with Miso Glaze

WE’RE BIG FANS OF USING INGREDIENTS IN UNINTENDED WAYS. Recently, Marion used miso paste, a traditional Japanese seasoning, to add an umami twist to banana bread. Here, a host of Asian ingredients create big flavor without nodding to any specific cuisine. Continue reading “Asian ingredients bring umami to not-necessarily-Asian Roast Chicken with Miso Glaze”

Third time’s the charm: Chocolate Bundt Cake with Bourbon Glaze

This deliciously chocolate, finely crumbed cake is iced with a three-ingredient bourbon glaze. Recipe below.

Chocolate Bundt Cake with Bourbon Glaze
Chocolate Bundt Cake with Bourbon Glaze

I BAKED THIS CAKE THREE TIMES BEFORE I GOT IT RIGHT. Three times. Three. The problem was not the flavor—a lovely chocolate—or the texture—finely crumbed and pleasing and entirely too easy to eat. It was the pan. Continue reading “Third time’s the charm: Chocolate Bundt Cake with Bourbon Glaze”

Bò Kho (Vietnamese beef stew) gets an Instant Pot makeover

Flavors from all over Asia (ginger, lemongrass, five-spice powder, garam masala, fish sauce…) spice up this delicious, aromatic, meaty stew. The Instant Pot speeds it up. Recipe below.

Bò Kho: Vietnamese Beef Stew
Bò Kho: Vietnamese Beef Stew

OUR FAMILY LOVES THIS DISH. Hearty, complex, aromatic, it’s a popular favorite over here. Now that we are not eating all that much red meat, this has become even more of a special occasion meal. When one of our daughters found herself able to visit us over the holidays, this was the dish she requested. This time, we made it in the Instant Pot to see how it would work out. Continue reading “Bò Kho (Vietnamese beef stew) gets an Instant Pot makeover”