A simple salsa of chopped habanero pepper, mango and shallots gives grilled lamb chops a spicy, flavorful kick. Recipe and substitutions below.

WE’LL START WITH A PRO TIP: don’t touch your eye after chopping a habanero pepper. Even hours after. I chop jalapeño peppers with impunity—a thorough, soapy hand wash after and I’m good to go. But not with this spicy pepper. For reference, jalapeños rate 3,500 – 8,000 SHU on the Scoville scale. Habaneros clock in at 100,000 – 350,000 SHU. That hard-earned pro tip aside, we really enjoyed the chops and their lively salsa. Continue reading “Fire up the grill—and dinner: Grilled Lamb Chops with Habanero Mango Salsa”