Cocktail in a can: just add gin to Trader Joe’s Lemon Elderflower Soda

Gin and store-bought lemon elderflower soda—and maybe optional lemon—make a quick, refreshing summer cocktail. Recipe below.

Gin with Lemon Elderflower Soda

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]W[/su_dropcap]e’re big fans of fancy cocktails. We like the arcane ingredients, the layered flavors, the rituals of making them. We like sitting at bars and watching bartenders construct artisanal cocktails (everything is artisanal these days, so why not cocktails?). We like making them at home. But sometimes, all you need is something cold, refreshing, boozy and easy to make. This cocktail is exactly that. Continue reading “Cocktail in a can: just add gin to Trader Joe’s Lemon Elderflower Soda”