Turkey overload antidote: Pan-seared, oven-finished Steak with Mustard Sauce

New York strip steak is topped with a simple sauce of cream, brandy and Dijon mustard. Recipe below.

Steak with Mustard Sauce

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]W[/su_dropcap]e loved our Thanksgiving turkey. We loved sitting down to dinner with family, sharing the roast turkey, the sides, the three(!) desserts. We loved the leftover turkey—on plates with also leftover sides; in sandwiches; random bites nabbed from the container and eaten cold; reheated in an impromptu sauce with aromatics and served over rice. Then suddenly, we didn’t love the turkey. It was time for steak. Continue reading “Turkey overload antidote: Pan-seared, oven-finished Steak with Mustard Sauce”