Gluten-free flour good enough for Thomas Keller

Gluten-free flour developed for Keller’s The French Laundry, now available for home cooks, is the subject of my latest Character Approved Blog post.

Remember carob? A blogger I read regularly mentioned it in a recent post, reminding me for the first time in years of this dreadful so-called healthy substitute for chocolate. It may have been healthy, but it was no substitute for chocolate, especially the good stuff. And guess what? Now chocolate has been given a clean bill of health.

Carob’s very badness points up the problem with many dietary substitutes: They’re not very good. In fact, many of them are downright awful. But gluten sensitivity—allergic reaction to wheat products—is a huge and growing issue. And wheat is a huge part of so many of the foods we eat—especially baked goods. So finding satisfactory substitutes for wheat products is a big deal. Continue reading “Gluten-free flour good enough for Thomas Keller”